Friday, August 7, 2009

Man Can Change But Mankind Cannot

A New Motto That I Came Up With For Myself After Watching All 3 Seasons Of 地獄少女. True That Many People Can Change For The Better, But Those Changes Are Ultimately For The Self. You Can't Change The World Just Because You've Achieved A Certain Level Of Enlightenment, Or See Certain Truths That Most Other Morons Are Just Plainly Blind To, But The World Will Change You, Because You Are Deviant, Because You Are Out Of The Norm, Because You Are A Diamond In A Pile Of Shit, And That Is 'Ruining The Harmony' Of Things. In The End It All Depends On Your Willpower To Remain Who You Are And Not A Tool Or Scapegoat Of Society.

Line Here At Kampar Sucked Worse Than Ever. Now If You Can Even Check Your E-Mail Or Sign In To Messenger, Congratulations, You Must Be The Luckiest Person Living Outside The Westlake Homes. So It Also Goes Without Saying That There Will Be No More Gaming And Movie Downloading Until Who Knows When. So For That, We Shall Have Three Cheers To "FUCK TMNET AND THEIR FUCKED UP SERVICES!" The Only ISP In Malaysia And Are Eating Away With All The Hard Earned Money Of The Customers And Not Doing What They Exist For. And Also Thanks To Them That This Daily Affair That is Blogging Has Turned To Once A Week And Now Once A Month.

More Drama Unfolding Here, With More Actors Working Their Magic And Playing Tricks On My Conscious. Which, Somehow, In The End, I Play A Role In The Entire Script. WTF I Know But That's How It Is.

And Did I Mention I Miss Many People During My Stay Here In Kampar? But Sadly 1/2 Of Them Don't Even Remember I Exist. Yeah, I'm Just Being Dramatic And All But Hey, Come On. I Should At Least Be Given A Chance To Vent Out Some Despair Before I End Up Drowning Myself In The Dirty Lake.

Thanks To Some Extremely Factual Subjects Dominated Entirely By Numbers, My Vocab Is Going From Tiny To Microscopic, And Will Probably Mean That I'll Be Forced to Say Goodbye To My Dream Of Being A Writer/Poet. what Happened To All The Creative Writing, You Mean Future Psychologists Don't Have To Be Creative?

Oh Well... I Had Much More To Say But I've Forgotten Most Of Them, Partially Thanks To The Fucked Up Net Connection. Damn I Can't Stress That point Enough... And Of Course, Its 2a.m. a.k.a Bedtime.

Adieu To Y'all. And Happy Birthday To CK Bro While I Can Still Convey The Message Here.

1 comment:

Tecz said...

Thanks bro...hehe,is fine here.brunch of assignments haven start to do,tests failed...shit liao,must work harder to chase oso no more gaming,just facebook and msn jeh.