Saturday, May 5, 2012

Taking out the trashy world... wait, what?

We live in a really appalling world. A world which I realized hasn’t a single corner where things work out as expected. A world where there is strife as far as the eye can see. A world where peace exists only as an ideal.

This is a world where people call each other elaborately degrading names, even when (and more often than not) the name fits the name-caller more than the called. The kind of world where you find lard-bags calling eccentrics scumbags. Who knows if those eccentrics aren’t just mildly autistic? Then again, I shouldn’t be surprised. In a world where educated idiots think all autistics are so severely retarded they can’t say “papa” without spitting, anything goes. A world where you think if you travelled you’d be free from hell, but then discover your destination is no better than where you came from.

In the course of my life I’ve come to like a few places in this world. I like Japan because almost every cultural element that I like comes from there. I like the United Kingdom of Great Britain because the currency there is massive; for the price of a car there I can buy a house here and for reasons I will never disclose, I’ve come to like one particular country within the Union as well: Scotland. But in the end, as much as I may like those places, I might actually prefer this hellhole that I am currently in because Japan is very prone to natural disasters and the political scene in the UK is much less civilized that I envisioned. When I later learned of Scotland’s possible secession from the union, some part within me died a bit, even though I’ve never actually been there. Or any of those places for that matter.

Ultimately, there is no heaven on earth. Everywhere I might have thought of going turns out to be hell. The only thing is that I am already used to the local kind of hell that adapting to a new one might be difficult. Also the fact that this here is a hell I know more of than any other hell.

This here is a hell where people who are supposedly in a position of knowledge and authority tell those who are not the overused sentence, “if you’re so smart, why don’t you try it?” but never have the guts to let others who know better actually have a go, for fear of being ridiculed by their own incompetence. And in this hell there are people who think that the guy in China, what’s his name, Liu Xiaobo I think, should face the firing squad for ‘betraying his country’ instead of being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, because his actions has weakened the image of the Chinese internationally and it is imperative that China maintains a strong image for Chinese elsewhere to thrive. By that sort of logic, Chairman Mao should have been successfully assassinated, all opposition to local governments of every country shot because they attempt to weaken the country’s image, which is bad for their citizens who are currently abroad.

Again, by that logic, Scotland should be nuked for possibly making the United Kingdom lose a country.

Not that agree with this logic anyway because none of this makes sense to me. Then again, I never did bother to make sense out of them because I couldn’t really care less. I haven’t the time and energy to be patriotic, even, when I can barely handle my own problems as it is. Besides, why should I bother, when the fruits of my efforts are not mine to enjoy? What’s more, why should I mess my priorities up by neglecting myself and fighting for the benefit of others who seek my undoing? In the long run, why work toward a system perfect on a societal level, when in the end after that is achieved, people seek to quench their own greed anyway, undoing the whole process? So that we could live to die another day? Thanks but no thanks; I very much rather die now so that I don’t die another day.

Back to what I was saying about autistics. People seem to have this perception that those only mildly retarded aren’t considered autistics. When you have an autistic sharing ideas at TED Talks, you know that in some cases, the retardation can be so minute that the potential genius totally overshadows it. And the person I saw to make such a flawed remark wasn’t some rural fool; said person was a Psychology student. That said, that person is also an alpha-wannabe beta male who would do anything to put himself on the top; no depths of hell is too low for him. But who am I to judge? I have a personal grudge against that lard-cum-scumbag anyway, so it is unlikely that anything he does would fail to offend me.

However, something does worry me. If behaviour can be passed down through genes like how the selfish gene is more likely to be passed down than the altruistic gene, is there a scumbag gene that is passed down from one generation to the next? Will the children of scumbags inherit their scumbaggery? Or worse, have I inherited the asshole gene from my arsehole of a father? Because if there are such things, then there is an easy solution to world peace: shoot everyone who doesn’t have the virtuous gene in the head. Well, I say easy, but of course the first step (and I imagine, the hardest) is to identify this gene and the people with it.

And on that bombshell, adieu to y’all.

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